Sunday, January 13, 2013

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Maidservants in exchange for handling, somehow turn Chunxi, Hu set is very disappointed. Chunxi gone well also fills around Xing Wang Hu hardship are not afraid, shall not be surprised to find his beloved people wronged, resentment over time, finally brewing became a conspiracy. With Hu motives, the case seems to have been little doubt read, is to focus on the rest of the people, Duan Fei told: "This case is very important, all a little hard,Milwaukee Bucks Jerseys, copying some portrait plastered the streets, the 3rd defaults to three suspects are brought to justice, otherwise everybody would not have the New Year, do you hear? "We have replied:" Yes, your excellency, we dig three feet that they should be dug up, dare not lazy. "Duan Fei nodded and said:" Everyone is busy go official today sits North Zhenfu Division did not come home, do you have any news to report immediately, closing. " agents just quickly disappeared, Xie Zhijun deliberately pull in the final, after the others are gone, he suddenly back on the segment Fei said: "Your honor, my heart there is a doubt ...... paragraph Fei said:" We do not need to hide something, what if Wenhui even though you say. "Xie Zhijun Su Rong said:" Your honor, ordinary princes, private savings substitute what? but taboo only mention this substitute is not a glimpse of perhaps Hing Wang had always been a substitute, this is not very surprising that it? "paragraph fly eyes a condensate, said:" Wenhui you mean I understand, however On Road the state not Nanchang, Xing Wang was passed down two generations, and also than not rather Phan has inherited the Five Dynasties and over a hundred years, this is impossible. "Xie Zhijun said:" Beizhi feel the same way, so I did not mention in front of everyone, but this is always a doubt, adults must never be careless, as long as they are things involved in the dispute to the imperial power, no matter how small, are never be taken lightly. "paragraph fly nodded and said:" I understand the multi Xie Wenhui you remind, I will be careful. "Xie Zhijun praise nodded, turned away, but left a big question in the minds of paragraph fly. Xie Zhijun right, a glimpse of mixed eat dead princes, since childhood, to identify training substitute? looks genial cautious small princes, after the death of the big boys touches more and more mysterious. busy one day segment fly some really tired, he sat in the chair and turn a blind eye to rest for a while, the hearts of heart and mind merits deduction of over and over again, consciously did not What is missing, this slightly relieved I do not know how long, and suddenly someone reported: "the adults, the Sunchon prefect Division adults asked to see paragraph fly open their eyes, this find Candle's already burned half time has nearly Haishi in paragraph fly replied: "There is the Secretary for adults. Division Gongcheng go with two runners came flying salute to the segment: the segment adults, Xiaguan commanded in accordance adults, moving in Temple west of Notice was issued to reward recycling Xing Wang relics, now received basic neat, therefore the Xiaguan specially personally sent to the segment adults to look over. "two runners hands each holding a tray on top of neatly stacked clothing paragraph fly readily picked up a navy blue gown, fluffed a look gown before and cut the gap on the bloodstained gown the material just the ordinary flannel buy also value placed in the uppermost few two silver, broken into clothing

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